The below abbreviations relate to both the website and the Preliminary Safety Report (PSR) document, which can be found in the Step 2 Documents library. The PSR itself contains a full glossary, which should be referred to when reading the submission.
Abbreviation | Description |
ABWR | Advance Boiling Water Reactor |
AC | Alternating Current |
ACC | Accumulator |
ACI | American Concrete Institute |
ACP | Auxiliary Control Panel |
ACPR | Advanced Chinese Pressurized Reactor |
ACT | Average Coolant Temperature |
ADU | Adsorption & Demineralizing Units |
AFCEN | French Association for Design, Construction and In-Service Inspection Rules for Nuclear Steam Supply System Components |
AFFF | Aqueous Film-forming Foam Concentrate |
AFoE | Annual Frequency of Exceedance |
Ag-In-Cd | Silver-Indium-Cadmium |
AI | Analogue Input |
ALARP | As Low As Reasonably Practicable |
ALARA | As Low As Reasonably Achievable |
ANT | Advanced Nuclear Technology |
AO | Analogue Output |
AOO | Anticipated Operational Occurrence |
AOPs | Abnormal Operating Procedures |
AOT | Allowed Outage Time |
APC | Airplane Crash |
API | Axial Power Imbalance |
ARI | All Rods In |
ARO | All Rods Out |
AS | Alloy Steel |
ASEP | Accident Sequence Evaluation Program Human Reliability Analysis Procedure |
ASF | Active Single Failure |
ASME | American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
AT | Auxiliary Transformer |
ATWS | Anticipated Transient Without Scram |
AVT | All Volatile Treatment |
BAT | Best Available Technique |
BSSD | Basic Safety Standards Directive |
B 4 C | Boron Carbide |
BDBA | Beyond Design Basis Accident |
BE | Best Estimate |
BGS | British Geological Survey |
BNI | Balance of Nuclear Island |
BOC | Beginning Of Cycle |
BOL | Beginning Of Life |
BOP | Balance of Plant |
BP | Break Preclusion |
BR | Battery Room |
BRGM | Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières |
BSL | Basic Safety Level |
BSO | Basic Safety Objective |
BSS | Basic Safety Standards |
BTA | Main Transformer Platform |
BTP | Branch Technical Position |
BU | Burnup |
BUP | Back-up Panel |
CAE | Claims , Argument , Evidence |
CB 1 | Concentration of Boron |
CB 2 | Core Barrel |
C/C | Control of Containment |
CCH | Core Cavity Height |
CDF | Core Damage Frequency |
CDM | Construction & Design Management |
CET 1 | Containment Event Tree |
CI | Conventional Island |
C/I | Control of RCP water Inventory |
CIC | Component Interface Cabinet |
CISO | Chief Information Security Officer |
CIPS | Crud Induced Power Shifts |
C/P | Control of RCP pressure |
C/R | Control of Reactivity |
C/T | Control of RCP water Temperature |
CCF | Common Cause Failure |
CDF | Core Damage Frequency |
CEFAS | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science |
CFS | Capable Faulting Study |
CFT | Cold Functional Test |
CFTRVO | Cold Functional Test With Reactor Vessel Open |
CGN | Chinese state-owned China General Nuclear Power Corporation |
CHF | Critical Heat Flux |
CIM | Component Interface Module |
CL | Cold Leg |
CNS | Civil Nuclear Security |
COL | Crossover Leg |
COMAH | Control of Major Accident Hazards |
COT | Core Outlet Temperature |
CP | Circulation Pump |
CPR1000 | Chinese Pressurized Reactor |
CPR1000 + | Chinese Improved Pressurized Reactor |
CPU | Central Process Unit |
CR | Computer Room |
CRDM | Control Rod Drive Mechanism |
CRGA | Control Rod Guide Assembly |
CRGT | Control Rod Guide Tube |
CS 1 | Carbon Steel |
CS 2 | Core Support Structure |
CSA | Conceptual Security Arrangements |
CSP | Core Support Plant |
CSR | Current Stress Regime |
CTO | Chief Technical Officer |
CW | Civil Works |
CWP | Circulating Water Pump |
CZP | Cold Zero Power |
DAC 1 | Design Acceptance Confirmation |
DAC 2 | Diverse Actuation Cabinet |
DAS | Diverse Actuation System |
DB | Dose Band |
DBT | Design Basis Threat |
DBA 1 | Design Basis Analysis |
DBA 2 | Design Basis Accident |
DBC | Design Basis Condition |
DBE | Design Basis Earthquake |
DBF | Design Basis Flood |
DC | Direct Current |
DCS | Digital Control System |
DCH | Direct Containment Heating |
DCO | Development Consent Order |
DEC | Design Extension Condition |
DEC-A | Design Extension Condition A |
DEC-B | Design Extension Condition B |
DEI | Dose Equivalent Iodine |
DHP | Diverse Human interface Panel |
DI | Digital Input |
DL | Chinese Electrical Industrial Standards |
DN | Nominal Diameter |
DNB 1 | Departure from Nucleate Boiling |
DNBR | Departure from Nucleate Boiling Ratio |
DO | Digital Output |
DP | Design Pressure |
DPUR | Dose Per Unit Release |
DR | Drive Rod |
DRC | De-aerated Reactor Coolant |
DSM | Defect Size Margin |
DSO | Departmental Security Officer |
DTC | Data Transmission Cabinet |
EA | Environment Agency |
EAST | Engineering Application Software Toolkit |
EBA 1 | Enriched Boric Acid |
EC | European Code |
ECC | Emergency Core Cooling |
ECCS | Emergency Core Cooling System |
ECP | Emergency Control Panel |
EDG | Emergency Diesel Generator |
ED | Eddy Current |
EDF | French state-owned Électricité de France (EDF) |
EDF Energy | EDF Energy is a British subsidiary of EDF Group |
EDF S. A. | Electricite de France |
EDMG | Extended Damage Mitigation Guidance |
EFPD | Equivalent Full Power Day |
EFWP | Emergency Feedwater Pump |
EHF | Engineering Principles-Human Factors |
EIR | Environmental Impact Report |
EJ | Chinese Standards for Nuclear Industry |
ELLDS | E nd of L ife L imiting D efect S ize |
EMC | Electromagnetic Compatibility |
EMCL | Environmental Medic Concentration Limit |
EMR | End of Manufacturing Report |
EOC | End Of Cycle |
EOF | Emergency Operation Facilities |
EOL | End Of Life |
EOMM | Equipment Operation and Maintenance Manuals |
EN | European Norm |
EOPs | Emergency Operating Procedures |
EOGs | Emergency Operating Guidelines |
EPR | Environmental Permitting Regulations |
EPRI | The Electric Power Research Institute |
EPRRSR | Environmental Permitting Regulations – Radioactive Substances Regulations |
EPW | Explosion Pressure Wave |
EQSs | Environmental Quality Standards |
ESFAC | Engineered Safety Feature Actuation Cabinet |
ESFAS | Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System |
ETC | EPR Technical Codes |
ETS | Emissions Trading Scheme |
EU | European Union |
EUR | European Utility Requirements |
FA | Fuel Assembly |
FAC | Flow-Accelerated Corrosion |
F&B | Feed and Bleed |
FCG | Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Plant |
FCL | First Core Load |
FCS | Field Control Station |
FDF | Fuel Damage Frequency |
F-Gas | Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases |
FGC | Functional Group Control |
FL | Full Load |
FLCV | Full Load Control Valve |
FLB | Feedwater Line Break |
FLIV | Full Load Line Isolation Valve |
FM | Fuel Management |
FMEA | Failure Mode and Effects Analysis |
FP | Full Power |
FPST | Fault and Protection Schedule Table |
FR | Fuel Rod |
FRS | Floor Response Spectra |
FSAR | Final Safety Analysis Report |
FWH | Feedwater Heater |
FWP | Feedwater Pump |
GB | Chinese National Standards |
GBD | Graphical Block Diagram |
GC | Group Control |
GCB | Generator Circuit Breaker |
GDA | Generic Design Assessment |
GDA JV | Generic Design Assessment Joint Venture |
GDF | Geological Disposal Facility |
GDS | Generator Disconnecting Switch |
GEP | Generic Environmental Permit |
GEP-RSR | Generic Environmental Permit-Radioactive Substance Regulation |
GHG | Greenhouse Gas |
GI | Ground Investigation |
GIS | Graphical Information System |
GMC | Ground Motion Characterisation |
GMM | Ground Motion Model |
GMPE | Ground Motion Prediction Equation |
GNI | General Nuclear International Limited, UK subsidiary of CGN |
GRCAs | Grey Rod Cluster Assemblies |
GSR | Generic Security Report |
GW | Gateway |
HAD | Chinese Nuclear Safety Guidelines |
HAF | Chinese Nuclear Safety Regulations |
HVAC | Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning System |
HAW | Higher Activity Waste |
HBSC | Human-Based Safety Claim |
HBSO | Human-Based Safety Objective |
HCP | Hard Control Panel |
HELB | High Energy Line Break |
HEP | Human Error Probability |
HEPA | High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter |
HF | Human Factors |
HFE | Human Factors Engineering |
HFI | Human Factors Integration |
HFP | Hot Full Power |
HFT | Hot Functional Test |
HIC | High Integrity Component |
HIRE | Hazard Identification and Risk Evaluation |
HL | Hot Leg |
HLPD | High Linear Power Density |
HLW | High Level Waste |
HMG | Her Majesty’s Government |
HOF | Human & Organisational Factors |
HP | High Pressure |
HPC | Hinkley Point C |
HPME | High Pressure Melt Ejection |
HPR1000 | Hua-long Pressurized Reactor |
HPR1000 (FCG3) | Hua-long Pressurized Reactor under construction at Fangchenggang nuclear power plant unit 3 |
HPS | High Pressure Steam |
HPT | High Pressure Turbine |
HRA | Human Reliability Analysis |
H&S | Health & Safety |
HSE | Health and Safety Executive |
HSG | HSE Guidance Note |
HSW Act | Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 |
HT 1 | High Temperature |
HT 2 | Heat treatment |
HYH | Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Plant |
HZP | Hot Zero Power |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency |
IAOs | Information Asset Owners |
I&C | Instrumentation and Control |
ICI | Inside Containment Isolation |
ICRP | International Commission on Radiological Protection |
ID | Inner Diameter |
iDAC | Interim Design Acceptance Confirmation |
IE | Initiating Event |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission |
IED | Industrial Emissions Directive |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
IFA | Irradiated Fuel Assemblies |
IMS | Information Management System |
I/O | Input/Output |
IPS | Integrated Protection Solution |
IRA | Initial Radiological Assessment |
IT | Information Technique |
IRWST | In-containment Refueling Water Storage Tank |
ISI | In-Service Inspection |
ISO | International Standard Organization |
iSoDA | Interim Statement of Design Acceptability |
IVR | In-Vessel Retention |
JPO | Joint Project Office |
K IC | Critical Stress Intensity Factor |
LA | Ling’ao Nuclear Power Plant |
LBB | Leak Before Break |
LBD | Licensing Basis Documentation |
LCO | Limiting Condition of Operation |
LCP | Local Control Panel/Low Core Plate |
LCS | Local Control Station |
LDP | Large Display Panel |
LDS | Leak Detection System |
LFCG | Life Time Fatigue Crack Growth |
LHSI | Low Head Safety Injection |
LLCV | Low Load Control Valve |
LLIV | Low Load Isolation Valve |
LLW/ | Low Level Waste |
ILW | Intermediate Level Waste |
LLWR | Low Level waste repository Ltd |
LoC | Letter of Compliance |
LOCA | Loss of Coolant Accident |
2A-LOCA | double-ended guillotine LOCA |
SB-LOCA | Small Break(Loss of Coolant Accident) |
IB-LOCA | Intermediate Break(Loss of Coolant Accident) |
LB-LOCA | Large Break(Loss of Coolant Accident) |
LoPCA | Loss of Primary Coolant Accident |
LOOP | Loss of Offsite Power |
LP | Low Pressure |
LPSD | Low Power and Shutdown |
LPT 1 | Low Pressure Turbine |
LPT 2 | Liquid Penetrant Test |
LRF | Large Release Frequency |
LSFPC | Loss of Spent Fuel Pool Cooling |
LT 1 | Low Temperature |
LT 2 | Lower Tier |
LUHS | Loss of Ultimate Heat Sink |
MCCI | Molten Core-Concrete Interaction |
MCD | Medium Pressure Rapid Cooldown |
MCERTS | Monitoring Certification Scheme |
MCL | Main Coolant Line |
MCM | Main Computerized control Mean |
MCR | Main Control Room |
MCS | Maintenance Cold Shutdown |
MDEP | Multinational Design Evaluation Programme |
MDSL | Master Document Submission List |
MEP | Ministry of Environmental Protection of China |
MHSI | Medium Head Safety Injection |
MIV | Main Isolation Valve |
MER | Mass and Energy Release |
MFIV | Main Feedwater Isolation Valve |
MFL | Minimum Flow Line |
MG | Mixing Grid |
MLO | Mid-Loop Operation |
MMO | Marine Management Organisation |
MMR | Monitoring and Reporting Regulation |
M-NET | Management Network |
MOC | Middle of Cycle |
MOL | Middle of Life |
MRF | Mass Release Frequency |
MS | Main Steam |
MSH | Main Steam Header |
MSMG | Mid Span Mixing Grid |
MSR | Moisture Separator Reheater |
MSTM | Multi-Stud Tensioning Machine |
MSL | Main Steam Line |
MSLB | Main Steam Line Break |
MSIV | Main Steam Isolation Valve |
MSQA | Management System and Quality Assurance |
MSRCV | Main Steam Relief Control Valve |
MSRIV | Main Steam Relief Isolation Valve |
MSRT | Main Steam Relief Train |
MSSV | Main Steam Safety Valve |
MT | Magnetic Penetrant Testing |
MW th | Megawatt (thermal input) |
NB | Chinese Energy Standard |
NC | Non-classified |
ND | Ningde Nuclear Power Plant |
NDA | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority |
NDT | Non Destructive Test |
NEA | National Energy Association |
NEPRG | Nuclear Emergency Planning and Response Guidance |
NHS | Non-human Species |
NI | Nuclear Island |
NII | Nuclear Installations Inspectorate |
NIMCA | Nuclear Industries Malicious Capabilities Planning Assumptions |
NMA | Nuclear Material Accountancy |
NMAC | Nuclear Maintenance Applications Centre |
NMAS | Nuclear Material Accountancy and Safeguards |
NNB GenCo | EDF Nuclear New Build Generating Company |
NNSA | National Nuclear Safety Administration |
NP | Nominal Power |
NPC | National People's Congress |
NPP | Nuclear Power Plant |
NPSH | Net Positive Suction Head |
NR | Narrow Range |
NRC | Nuclear Regulatory Commission |
NSC 1 | Nuclear Security Case |
NSC 2 | Nuclear and Radiation Safety Centre |
NSL | Nuclear Site License |
NSSP | Nuclear Site Security Plan |
NSSS | Nuclear Steam Supply System |
OAF | Operator Aid Function |
OBE | Operating Basis Earthquake |
OCNS | Office for Civil Nuclear Security |
OD | Outside Diameter |
ODS | Ozone-depleting Substances |
OECC | On-site Emergency Control Center |
OF | Operating Function |
ONR | Office for Nuclear Regulation |
OPEX | Operating Experience |
ORE | Occupational Radiation Exposure |
OSM | Outline Study Methodology |
OTS | Operating Technical Specification |
OWP | Operator Workplace |
PAMC | Post-Accident Monitoring Cabinets |
PAMS | Post-Accident Monitoring System |
PARs | Passive Autocatalytic Recombiners |
PC 1 | Partial Cooldown |
PC 2 | Project Correspondent |
PCC | Plant Condition Categories |
PCER | Pre-Construction Environment Report |
PCI | Pellet - Cladding Interaction |
PCSR | Pre-Construction Safety Report |
PCmSR | Pre-Commissioning Safety Report |
PCT | Peaking Cladding Temperature |
PDMS | Plant Design Management Tool |
PDS 1 | Primary Depressurization System |
PDS 2 | Plant Damage State |
PFDHA | Probabilistic Fault Displacement Hazard Analysis |
PGA | Peak Ground Acceleration |
PHC | Primary Hazard Calculation |
PHE | Public Health England |
pH T | The high-temperature pH value |
PI | Pulse Input |
PICS | Process Information and Control System |
PIE | Postulated Initiating Event |
P&ID | Piping and Instrumentation Diagram |
PIPS | Process Instrumentation Pre-processing System |
PLC | Programmable Logic Controller |
PNS | Primary Neutron Source |
PNSA | Primary Neutron Source Assembly |
POS | Plant Operating State |
POSR | Pre-Operational Safety Report |
P&T | Pressure and Temperature |
PQR | Welding Procedure Qualification |
PRA | Probabilistic Risk Assessment |
PRB | Pressure Retaining Boundary |
PRC | People’s Republic of China |
PRD | Power Range Detector |
Pre-GDA | Pre Generic Design Assessment |
PRT 1 | Peer Review Team |
PRT 2 | Pressurizer Relief Tank |
PS | Protection System |
PSA 1 | Probabilistic Safety Assessment |
PSA 2 | Primary Source Assembly |
PSAR | Preliminary Safety Analysis Report |
PSAS | Plant Standard Automation System |
PSF | Passive Single Failure |
PSHA | Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment |
P SI | Pre-Service Inspection |
PSR | Preliminary Safety Report |
PSV | Pressurizer Safety Valve |
PSIV | Pressurizer Safety Isolation Valve |
PT 1 | Periodic Test |
PT 2 | Liquid Penetrant Testing |
PWHT | Post Weld Heat Treatment |
PWR | Pressurized Water Reactor |
PZR | Pressurizer |
QA | Quality Assurance |
QEDS | Qualified Examination Defect Size |
QD | Quick Disconnect |
QMS | Quality Management System |
RAM | Reliability, Availability, Maintainability |
RCA | Radiation Controlled Area |
RCCA | Rod Cluster Control Assembly |
RCC-E | Design and Building Rules for Electric Equipment for Pressurized Water Reactor Nuclear Islands |
RCC-M | Design and Building Rules for Mechanical Equipment for Pressurized Water Reactor Nuclear Islands |
RCD | Reactor Complete Discharge |
RCPB | Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary |
RCP | Reactor Coolant Pump |
RCS | Refuelling Cold Shutdown |
R&D | Research and Development |
REDACE | Real-time and Deterministic Application Coding Environment |
REP | Radioactive Substances Regulation – Environmental Principles |
REPPIR | The Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and Public Information) Regulations |
RfQ | Request for Quotation |
RFSAR | Revised Final Safety Analysis Report |
RG | Regulatory Guidance |
RGP | Relevant Good Practice |
RHR | Residual Heat Removal |
RI | Regulator Issue |
RIN | French national identification code for valves |
RO | Regulator Observation |
RoA | Report of Assessment |
ROU | Reverse Osmosis Unit |
RP 1 | Radiation Protection |
RP 2 | Requesting Party |
RPC | Reactor Protection Cabinet |
RPCS | Reactor Power Control System |
RPI | Rod Position Instrumentation |
RPS | Reactor Protection System |
RPV | Reactor Pressure Vessel |
RPVL | Reactor Pressure Vessel Level |
RQ 1 | Regulator Query |
RQ 2 | Risk Quotient |
RSS | Remote Shutdown Station |
RT 1 | Reactor Trip |
RT 2 | Radiographic Testing |
RTP | Rated Thermal Power |
RT NDT | Reference Nil Ductility Transition Temperature |
RTS | Reactor Trip System |
RVI | Reactor Pressure Vessel Internals |
RWM | Radioactive Waste Management Ltd |
/ry | per reactor year |
SA 1 | Severe Accident |
SA 2 | Spectral Amplitude |
SAC | Safety Automation Cabinet |
SADV | Severe Accident Dedicated Valve |
SAGE | Safe video Graphic console panel Environment |
SAMG | Severe Accident Management Guideline |
SAPs | Safety Assessment Principles for Nuclear Facilities |
SAS | Safety Automation System |
SA I&C | Severe Accident I&C |
SBO | Station Black Out |
SC1 | Safety Classification 1 |
SC2 | Safety Classification 2 |
SCC | Stress Corrosion Cracking |
SCCA | Stationary Cluster Control Assembly or Stationary Core Component Assembly |
SCID | Safety Control and Information Device |
SDR | System Design Report |
SDRS | Standard Design Response Spectra |
SEDS | Self-Engaging Dewatering System |
SF | Spent Fuel |
SFA | Spent Fuel Assembly |
SFAIRP | So Far As Is Reasonably Practicable |
SFC | Single Failure Criterion |
SFIS | Spent Fuel Interim Storage |
SFP | Spent Fuel Pool |
SFPC | Spent Fuel Pool Crane |
SFRs | Safety Function Requirements |
SG | Steam Generator |
SGa | Affected Steam Generator |
SGTR | Steam Generator Tube Rupture |
SHP | Severe accident Human interface Panel |
SHWP | Seismic Hazard Working Party |
SI | Safety Injection |
SIC-1 | Structural Integrity Class 1 |
SIC-2 | Structural Integrity Class 2 |
SIC-3 | Structural Integrity Class 3 |
SICS | Safety Information and Control System |
SIRO | Senior Information Risk Owner |
SL | Surge Line |
SLA | Site License Application |
SLB | Steam Line Break |
SLC | Sub Loop Control |
S-NET | System Network |
SNI | Sensitive Nuclear Information |
SNS | Secondary Neutron Source |
SoDA | Statement of Design Acceptability |
SOP | State Oriented Procedure |
SPAR-H | Standardized Plant Risk Analysis-Human Reliability Analysis Procedure |
SPC | Signal Pre-processing Cabinet |
SPND | Self-Powered Neutron Detector |
SPRHR | Secondary Passive Residual Heat Removal System |
SPSA | Seismic Probabilistic Safety Assessment |
SQEP | Suitably Qualified and Experienced Person |
SRD | Source Range Detector |
SRHT | Stress Relieve Heat Treatment |
SRP | Standard Review Plan |
SRTF | Site Radwaste Treatment Facility |
SS | Stainless Steel |
SSA | Secondary Source Assembly |
SSCs | Structures, Systems and Components |
SSE | Safe Shutdown Earthquake |
SSE1 | Seismic Category 1 |
SSFP | Star-up and Shutdown Feedwater Pump |
SSI | Soil Structure Interaction |
SSM | Seismic Source Model |
SSPB | Secondary Side Pressure Boundary |
SSR | Specific Safety Requirements |
SSS | Standstill Seal System |
ST | Standby Transformer |
STP | Standard temperature and pressure (273.15 K and 1 atm) |
SyAPs | Security Assessment Principles |
SZC | Sizewell C |
TBCV | Turbine Bypass Control valve |
TBIV | Turbine Bypass Isolation Valve |
TCD | Team of Chief Designers |
TCLS | Thermoelectric Converter of Level Sensor |
TD | Technical Delivery |
TAGs | Technical Assessment Guides |
TG | Turbine Generators |
TGCS | Turbine Generator Control System |
TH | Thermal Hydraulic |
TIG | Tungsten Inert Gas |
TLOCC | Total Loss of Cooling Chain |
TLOFW | Total Loss of Feedwater |
TOR | The Tolerability of Risk from Nuclear Power Stations |
TPA | Thimble Plug Assembly |
TSC | Technical Support Center |
TSP | Tri-Sodium Phosphate |
TSS | Transport Security Statement |
TT | Top Tier |
UCP | Upper Core Plate |
UHS 1 | Unified Hazard Spectra |
UHS 2 | Ultimate Heat Sink |
UK HPR1000 | The UK version of the Hua-long Pressurized Reactor |
UK | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
UL | Crossover Leg |
URC | Unacceptable Radiological Consequence |
URD | Utility Requirements Document |
URWP | Uncontrolled RCCA bank Withdrawal at Power |
UPS | Uninterruptible Power Supply |
US | Unit Supervisor |
USP | Upper Support Plate |
UT 1 | Ultrasonic Test |
UT 2 | Unit Transformer |
VAI | Vital Area Identification |
VCT | Volume Control Tank |
VDU | Visual Display Unit |
VLLCV | Very Low Load Control Valve |
VLLW | Very Low Level Waste |
V-LOCA | Loss of Coolant Accident with Containment bypass |
VT | Visual Testing |
WAC | Waste acceptance criteria |
WANO | World Association of Nuclear Operators |
WB | Waste Treatment Building |
WENRA | Western European Nuclear Regulators Association |
WR | Wide Range |
WS | Work Specification |
WULCV | Warm-up Line Control Valve |
WULIV | Warm-up Line Isolation Valves |
YJ | Yangjiang Nuclear Power Plant |
ZOI | Zone of Influence |
YJ | Yangjiang Nuclear Power Plant |
ZOI | Zone of Influence |